So it's been a few years! That's okay, you've been busy and so have I! Just a quick little note today to say I'm back and I'm getting ready for a HUGE Celebration Convention in Nashville, TN! Never been although we may have driven through when I was 5 years old with my parents on a cross country trip. No memories of it. So this will be my first trip to music city! And I have a little secret that no one knows yet... Should I share here? Okay Well...I've been writing songs for YEARS! Literally since I was about 11 and taught myself how to play the guitar. Over the years my portfolio has enlarged. I have to admit the process of creating the song is the biggest high ever! When it all comes together, words & lyrics there is truly an emotion that is straight from God! Indescribable! I reach for it and am selfish with it. Songs have been shared with others many times. Blessings shouldn't be kept to yourself so that has been a gift I've given many times. Never published. Done some demo tapes. Had some hopes and dreams....
Now when this Nashville thing came up, I knew that the days and nights would be PACKED with so much activity and fun and learning that there probably wouldn't be any time to 'see' much of the town or experience the music, much less share. But as time has drawn closer one of my songs, written about 8 years ago, seemed to jump out at me. I happened upon the lyrics written on notebook paper with a few notes written down. And I couldn't remember the piano notes I had played! (I don't read or write music so everything is just memorized!) Thus began a journey through my musical memory to try to reconstruct this song. After a few days I FINALLY got it all back! And every single time I have played it, sung it, said the words I have gotten goosebumps all over! What does that mean????
What it means now is that I have an open mic date with destiny at none other than the famous Bluebird Cafe on Monday night, the 6th of August! It's been on my bucket list and there is still the hurdle of getting one of the 25 spots, via a phone call that day! So please send up some good country vibes that day for me! Life is a short little journey and if we blink we'll miss it!