Okay I have to admit that I'm a lazy chef. REALLY L-A-Z-Y. I don't like to spend that much time in the kitchen. Even though chefery (is that a real word?) seems to be all the rage and helps people 'overcome stress', 'find their niche', 'master their demons' and ad infinitum, I am not one of those persons. I want to grab something tasty and quick and that's what I want to prepare as well. Cereal and milk? You get where I'm coming from!
So yesterday after thrift window shopping for much of the day, I returned home and felt guilty about my hard working husband and felt I should at least prepare something good for him. So I took this....

Split it into two lengthwise, lightly buttered it and topped it with this...

I used one can of tomato paste, one can of water from the tomato paste can, one tablespoon of THRIVE powdered tomato, large pinch of oregano, 2 tsp. of sugar, 1/2 t. salt, pinch of anise seed and a heaping tablespoon of Italian salad dressing and heated it in a pan.
I used lukewarm water to gently rehydrate 3 cups of FD Mozzerella cheese. I also rehydrated about a cup of FD green bell peppers with 2 Cups of FD sausage crumbles (all THRIVE foods).
So I spread the pizza sauce on both of the bread halves, topped it with the drained sausage/bell pepper mix, and then crumbled the softened cheese over the top of it all, spreading it evenly. Okay at this point it has maybe taken me 10 minutes!! I turned on the oven to 400 and put the pizza in for about 12-15 minutes. And this is what I got!

And very soon it was gone. Gone, gone, gone (you have to say that like Jeff Bridges in True Grit). But it was yummy, quick, I was the hero of the night and now you can be as well. Pizza on the fly. That's just code for AWESOME LAZY-WOMAN MEAL.