I really meant to be more conscientious about this blog. I wanted it to chronicle my growth and learning as I embarked on my new business with Shelf Reliance. I envisioned hoards of followers and lots of comments. I wanted it to be instructional as well as entertaining. It would be a good way of keeping a journal. Of sorts.
Well, I'm as undisciplined here as I am with my filing system.
What can I tell, ya? I have a disease and it as to do with organization. It won't let me put anything back in it's original place. So everything gets a new spot, everything takes it's turn being lost and found and I feel defeated and unable to function efficiently.
That's as much of the story as you really need. I'm not a 'bear it all to the world' type of girl. But I am going to update you on my Shelf Reliance team volume. Cuz it's good news and deserves a brag or two. So far this month I have personal sales of over $6k! Team sales at about $1500. I am $2500 from advancing in rank from Mentor to Director. No wonder I'm not bloggin all the time! Holy Cow I'm workin' it! This week is quiet but builds to a huge weekend. I hope my team can help me reach my goal. I'm counting on it. And even though bloggin isn't my daily thing, Shelf Reliance IS! I can't wait til I'm bringing home a full time wage on part time effort! Then you're talking FREEDOM!
In the meantime, I vow to walk/jog 5 miles a day this week. ( my next blog title just may be, 'Exercise: Not my daily thing'!
Congrats! I think this is just the beginning for you. So does this busy weekend free up the next? This is Margaret speaking, not Dale :)