I've been thinking about my role in this world. Why am I here? What am I supposed to be doing? Who am I anyway? It gets confusing, doesn't it? On the one hand of course we are all human beings having a human experience. Dice that up with a Ginsu knife and we find lots of mini-identities under the title of human being.
So many hats to wear! One minute I'm a woman trying to understand my own complexities, the next I'm a cuddly soft grandma with lots of stories to tell. A while later I'm pulled into political activism by a favorite pundit, the next I'm caught up in the latest home improvement show or Dr. Phil or Oprah.
So I was wearing my beading hat today. Spent most of the day with 2 friends making wedding jewelry. It's fun to wear a creative hat!
I came home to a dark, cold house. Automatically pulled on my Mommy hat and began a sumptuous feast from leftover roast, potatoes and carrots. My head was then embellished with the newest hat in my wardrobe - Preparedness Princess! Out came the other half of the dough from yesterday's 30 minute rolls (I had made cinnamon rolls last night while we watched Oregon Ducks sink) and so I added some hot delicious rolls to the menu. Topped with raspberry freezer jam, it was spectacular!
So maybe my 'role' in this world should be spelled differently. Maybe my new 'roll' in life (Shelf Reliance/THRIVE consultant) is going to take me to real places I can only imagine right now! I know this 'roll' has been very warmly received by my family. They love my new 'roll'. I'm excited about the other new 'rolls' that I will most certainly be sharing with all of you as I find them. Maybe now I will be better at 'rolling' with the punches! When I'm on a 'roll' people will notice! Maybe this new opportunity will help me 'roll' all the other mini-identities into one big whole!
This is the hat I'm supposed to be wearing right now. And I'm ready to 'roll' with it!
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