*All our grains are local Utah Grains
*All shipments comes via Fed Ex to your door
*Apple Slices and Apple chip are made of different apples and are cut differently. *The slices have the peel still on
*Average sales is around $850/party
*Best selling item at Shelf Reliance is the FD pineapple and mango
*Butter powder is a lot like margarine. It loses it's fat in the drying process.
*Butter powder is great in baking. Food tastes great but doesn't rise as high.
*Consultants earn 10% of party sales in commission, plus more
*Consultants get paid residual income based on customers who decide to be on our *monthly "Q" program
*Consultants have a weekly training conference call
*Entrees are made with FD and Dehydrated ingredients
*FD cheese is grated cheese (FD=Freeze Dried)
*FD food has no sugar, salt or preservatives
*FD Mango has 20% of DV of Vit C in 1/4 cup
*FD meat has no salt added or preservatives
*FD Pineapple has 15% of DV of Vit C in 1/4 cup
*Freeze Dried fruit lasts 25 years sealed and 1 year opened
*Freeze dried vegetables last 25 yrs sealed and 2 year opened
*Fudge Brownies-just add water and bake
*Hostess can also earn product for 50% off
*Hostess earns 10% of party sales in free food
*Macaroons-just add water and bake
*Mary Kay and Avon have millions of consultants, Shelf Reliance has only about 2000
*On Average Freeze Dried Food will triple in weight once reconstituted!
*Once a party customer always a party customer
*Once you've bought at a party or from a consultant you will always be able to
shop online for the discount price
*Powdered eggs actually taste good
*Shelf Reliance buys it's food straight from the vendor
*Shelf Reliance cans keep food from tasting like tin and cans from rusting...saving *you $
*Shelf Reliance donates 5% of earning to Thriving Nations Charityy
*Shelf Reliance founders and VP are in their 30's
*Shelf Reliance is a company with $0 debt
*Shelf Reliance is at Walmart, Sams Club and Costco but consultants still give the *best price!
*Shortening powder really works in Chocolate chip cookies
*We have a capped shipping rate
*You don't have to have a party to get discount pricing
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