You are what you eat, what you think, what you do.

Sunday, June 19, 2011


Well, it's the 17th letter in the english alphabet.

BUT, in any other country but America, a 'Q' is another word for 'line up'. It's spelled differently too. 'Queue'. So what does this international bit of trivia have to do with the price of corn in Kansas? A LOT!

At Shelf Reliance you can 'line up' or 'Q' a list of foods for your family for a determined amount of time. Say you are a family of 4 and you would like to provide your family a well balanced and nutritious diet of about 2000 calories per day.

And say you would like to have long-storing food (like THRIVE)in your pantry for emergency use and/or the daily convenience of it all, that would amount to about 12 months.

After using the free tool online called the 'Thrive planner' or 'food calculater, the computer would generate a 'line up' or 'Q' of the amount of Thrive foods they recommend to give you balance meals per day. Everything you would use would be listed there from soups, sugar, strawberries, pancake mix, eggs, chicken to wheat, brown sugar, salt, milk and of course, the essentials like coconut macaroons and freeze dried ice cream sandwiches! AND you can customize the list by editing it to your taste preferences or dietary needs.

It's genius really, cuz then you can start a systematic acquisition of these foods at a monthly budget you can afford. (Shelf Reliance recommends that you try to 're-alocate' money you are already spending on groceries toward your food storage) Most people start out about $100 per month.

Then at the appointed day of the month, pre-determined by you, Shelf Reliance will deliver that portion of your 'Q' directly to your door! Just like the old fashioned milkman used to do!

Most importantly of all, THIS is what the 'Q' has to do with the price of corn in Kansas: PEOPLE ON THE 'Q' GET THE ROCK BOTTOM LOWEST PRICES ON THEIR PRODUCTS! A great way to invest in your food insurance!

The Q! There now. Don't you just feel all suave and continental?

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