Life is about evolving, progressing, thriving, overcoming, in short, LIVING! My journey started out as a preparedness journal with freeze dried foods. And while I still use them regularly, store them and promote them, this page is going through some evolving of its own. So bit by bit you will be seeing more about me personally. About who I am by accident and who I am on purpose. Because the bigger story is not just surviving life, it is living a THRIVING life! Thrive with me, Dorie!
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Shout it from the Rooftops FOR REAL!
Monday, October 29, 2012
It's not rocket science, just good common sense
Are you a member of Mensa? Me either. But I feel pretty darn smart when I take advantage of a great sale and even more smarter (!) when I channel my inner Boy Scout and utilize the motto: "BE PREPARED".
Flyer: November Monthly Specials
PS. For those of you who will read this all the way down to here, this is your secret 'heads up'. BLACK FRIDAY is coming up for Shelf Reliance. You know when! To take advantage of this once a year inCREDable sale you need only get up at midnight on the designated day and go shop online in your PJ's at +You don't need to call me to receive the lowest prices !!! So mark your calendar.
You can be prepared this month for a big discount. These are November Shelf Reliance discounted items. They are only good starting 5 pm Nov. 1 - 5 pm Dec.1. So if you need Gluten free products, check it out. My favorite snack apples are on sale! Freeze Dried Fuji apples beat everything I know of for crunch satisfaction and excellent flavor.
Check out the flyer below. Then Call me, Dorie at 541-404-6363 to place your order and get the discount. That is the only way. Let's get ourselves prepared before we are digging oursleves out of a Hurricane Sandy type event!! Over and out.
Flyer: November Monthly Specials
PS. For those of you who will read this all the way down to here, this is your secret 'heads up'. BLACK FRIDAY is coming up for Shelf Reliance. You know when! To take advantage of this once a year inCREDable sale you need only get up at midnight on the designated day and go shop online in your PJ's at +You don't need to call me to receive the lowest prices !!! So mark your calendar.
Friday, October 5, 2012
Homemade Chicken-Raspberry-Noodles-Jam
The title might be confusing but I'm just trying to efficiently mesh 2 recent THRIVE meal experiences. The post will be crystal clear!
Yes I'm making homemade egg noodles. It's an old family recipe I learned from my cousin when we were roomates at BYU back back back in the day.
It calls for one egg per person, flour and salt to taste. Very precise, I know. Through the years I've come to modify it a bit.
This time out I used all THRIVE ingredients. After all, if it's supposed to be able to feed my family in times of need/lazinessconvenience, I must use them in our favorite recipes. So out came the THRIVE FD (that means freeze dried for those new to my blog) chopped chicken. I love this stuff! It's already cooked, skinned, boned and chopped and rehydrates in about 10 min! Quick stuff! I used my THRIVE carrots, onions, celery and boullion which of course were added to the water in the pot. Next I rehydrated about 6 eggs. That's 1 TBS. of whole egg powder to 2 TBS. of water. Mix and you have liquid eggs ready to go! Then I added about 1 tsp. salt and flour until it was pasta like consistency.
Then they were rolled out very thin like in the first picture. Dust well with flour if you try this. Then roll up the pasta the short way. By that I mean you've rolled it in a sorta rectangular/oval type shape. Once it's rolled up, using a pizza cutter, slice through in about 1" sized pieces, unroll and add them too the boiling broth.
It turned out just as yummy and disappeared just as fast as if I had done it the way I learned in college and spent the WHOLE FREAKIN' DAY preparing this meal!!
(There is no picture of the final product. It was fast Sunday and that large kettle of chicken and noodles was gone like the wind)
So what about the raspberry jam mix thingie? I got some YUMMY fresh raspberries at the local farmer's market Wednesday. I had every intention of saving those fresh little sweeties for jam. But I saw then I noticed the ever shrinking bowl that no one claimed responsibility for. Anyway, I smashed up the 4 containers of berries. I needed 6 smashed up cups.
As you can or can't see here but trust me it's the truth, I am exactly 1 cup SHORT.
I searched the freezer for some sign of frozen berry stuff. I did find some freezer burned strawberries which I took out and began to thaw. THEN I remembered that I had the bits, pieces and powders at the bottom of a large can of THRIVE freeze dried raspberries. Brilliant!
I pour the remnants into a measuring cup and added water just to rehydrate to a thick mush state.
As you can now see, my 5 cups of smashed raspberries now comes to 6 cups and I'm off to make my jam....Well I'm back and guess what? It's delicious and it's all sealed up just fine in my jelly glasses and put away in the pantry. So whenever you get in a pinch in the kitchen, remember your THRIVE products. They really can save the day even if it's not during a natural disaster!
Friday, September 21, 2012
'Take your passion and make it happen...'
'Take your passion and make it happen...'
I remember the lyrics of the theme song from 'Flashdance'.
I know that dates me BIG time. But something happened to me about 2 years ago and I didn't recognize it then.
I do now.
I only WISH my food storage looked that good. No, 2 years ago I assessed the foods I had stored so diligently haphazardly under the stairs (and in the basement and under the bed and and - you get the picture). I realized that if I had to feed this to my family, 3 times a day for who knows how long, we would all die.
Me of exhaustion from all the time consuming effort to prepare my wheat, beans, rice, sugar, milk and a few canned foods into something edible, and my family from the dramatic increase in fiber! I mean dramatic like the national debt the last 4 years... but I digress.
Shortly after that realization, Shelf Reliance came into my horizon. Like a cumulo nimbus, coming in from a distance...
And my decision to become a Shelf Reliance Consultant ignited a passion within me to never have to face my family with an empty or meager pantry. I knew I wanted to be able to get my own food storage at the CONSULTANT price. I knew I could get it on a regular monthly basis and I knew I would also receive lots of free food in the bargain. What I didn't know was that from the very first month as a new and ignorant member of the SR team until this very month, I would make a profit as well. Imagine that? Food AND money. Could it get more logical, Mr. Spock?
The security I now have when I look at my food storage is miles from the false security I had 2 years ago. I'm no where near finished with my preparedness but I'm oh so much more in control. And that makes me a passionate promoter of the same sense of security to everyone I know. And that passion is spilling out all over this blog tonight as I extend my hand to you -
Let me help you find the peace of mind and the success I've found with Shelf Reliance. This is an out loud, open invitation to my family, friends and acquaintances to follow my lead.
This is the TIME, today is the DAY! You can easily start your own profitable business selling something everyone actually NEEDS - FOOD!
Click HERE and watch a 15 minute video on what this is really all about and then call me!
Make Preparedness your PASSION and then watch it HAPPEN!
Friday, August 24, 2012
Grandkids and Callydoodles
2 of my 5 grandaughters were visiting with me several weeks ago, and as per my usual 'Dodo' activities, we decided to make cookies!
The older of the 2 grandaughters, who considers herself most wise and authoritarian is Jaycee.
The younger middle of the pack child, Cally, who is going through the 7 year old geekypest stage and is AKA as 'little Dodo' wanted chocolate chip cookies (my personal choice ;)
But the older one insisted that they were too sweet. She chose Snickerdoodles (to me the sweetest cookie going but nobody asked me ;) This of course outweighed Cally's choice. Enter sad face, she's used to coming in second or third place :(
Enter happy face! Cally said 'Let's put chocolate chips in some snickerdoodles.' What a great idea, Cally
YAY! How to make 2 girls happy with one recipe. I'm all over it. Until....Enter my BIG sad face...
I look in my cupboard and have no shortening, no butter, very little flour and no eggs! Chocolate chips I have plenty. So this is what any THRIVE grandma would do...
I get out Butter powder, Rice flour, Egg powder and Shortening powder, all in my THRIVE homestore.
I mix them Snickerdoodles up quick!
(just tilt your head to the right to copy)
Roll them in cinnamon sugar...
Dot them with chocolate chips...
And Voila' you have CALLYDOODLES!! And 2 happy grandaughters!
You can fill your own Homestore with these recipe lifesavors right here.
Now just add Milk! Or THRIVE instant milk if you have run out!!
Friday, August 17, 2012
New and Most Popular
Thought I'd use this space to tell you what's new from Shelf Reliance. I just found out today that they will be unveiling new shelving systems that have cupboard doors on them! Yep if you don't have pantry room or don't want the look of open storage shelving in your kitchen, these might be perfect for you.
Also there is a new fuel storage system. These are cedar/paraffin patties that will cook very hot for about 40 minutes. They come in 32 and 90 patty boxes. Fuel storage is difficult. Mountains of split wood to store. Propane tanks. Etc. These are compact and make a great addition to your preparedness stash!
And last of the new, MRE's. With the heating unit inside. 12 new flavors.
Now for the best selling and most popular:
Just think what a case of each of these FOOD products would mean to you in times of trouble. You can order these easy as pie from my website right here.
Thursday, July 12, 2012
The $2 Strawberry
Here it is in all it's glory. The $2 strawberry. Looks good, right? Juicy? Sweet?
Worth it? NO! Not worth it at all. This is the thing. I bought these strawberries 1 1/2 days ago. What a deal, huh? $1.99 for the whole package. Couldn't wait to eat them on my cereal, as a snack, on my salad. So I worked yesterday. No big deal. This morning I got up, swam and then poured myself a bowl of Special K with the plan to slice up some strawberries on top. This turned out to be the only strawberry that was not wearing a mink coat.
Now I should know better. I teach people that Americans throw out 25% of their food each week! I hate to waste food! Ask my kids about that one. I talk about rubber celery and furry berries. Furry berries! Like I said, I know better.
So I got out my THRIVE freeze dried strawberries that I share at my tasting parties. The can has been open for a couple month. This is what I saw:
A handfull on my cereal. Easy! They are prewashed, pre chopped and ready to go. No furry stuff.
MORAL OF THE STORY~ Either eat those fresh strawberries ASAP, or run the risk of strawberries with mink coats, costing $2 each.
Or just get yourself a bunch of these to store in your cupboard.
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Smart Start Month 1: THIS IS WHAT YOU GET!

17 Thrive pantry cans
White flour (3)
White sugar
Instant Milk (3)
Baking Power
FD Pineapple Chunks
Fudge Brownie Mix
Shortening Powder
FD Colby Cheese
Chopped onions
FD Strawberries
FD Banana Slices
Simply Peach Drink mix
Entree - Creamy Beef and Noodles
Entree- Hearty Chili with Beans
Entree- Pasta Carbonara
Entree - Baked Potato Cheese Soup
5 Recipes: Cornbread (made 2x), caramel sauce, cheese bread, strawberry banana smoothie, strawberry puree
And just to tell you how Smart it is, at every tasting party I've done since the first of May, every single person who has joined the Q has begun with Smart Start! These customers were very SMART indeed! You can be too!
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Pizza on the fly
Okay I have to admit that I'm a lazy chef. REALLY L-A-Z-Y. I don't like to spend that much time in the kitchen. Even though chefery (is that a real word?) seems to be all the rage and helps people 'overcome stress', 'find their niche', 'master their demons' and ad infinitum, I am not one of those persons. I want to grab something tasty and quick and that's what I want to prepare as well. Cereal and milk? You get where I'm coming from!
So yesterday after thrift window shopping for much of the day, I returned home and felt guilty about my hard working husband and felt I should at least prepare something good for him. So I took this....
Split it into two lengthwise, lightly buttered it and topped it with this...
I used one can of tomato paste, one can of water from the tomato paste can, one tablespoon of THRIVE powdered tomato, large pinch of oregano, 2 tsp. of sugar, 1/2 t. salt, pinch of anise seed and a heaping tablespoon of Italian salad dressing and heated it in a pan.
I used lukewarm water to gently rehydrate 3 cups of FD Mozzerella cheese. I also rehydrated about a cup of FD green bell peppers with 2 Cups of FD sausage crumbles (all THRIVE foods).
So I spread the pizza sauce on both of the bread halves, topped it with the drained sausage/bell pepper mix, and then crumbled the softened cheese over the top of it all, spreading it evenly. Okay at this point it has maybe taken me 10 minutes!! I turned on the oven to 400 and put the pizza in for about 12-15 minutes. And this is what I got!
And very soon it was gone. Gone, gone, gone (you have to say that like Jeff Bridges in True Grit). But it was yummy, quick, I was the hero of the night and now you can be as well. Pizza on the fly. That's just code for AWESOME LAZY-WOMAN MEAL.
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