They say 'things can change in a heartbeat'. 'Life can turn on a dime'. Well I want to share my 7 minute miracle with you.
In my journey to bring Food Storage out of the closet (!) and into the light of the kitchen, I was invited to do a little presentation for a non partisan political group. Wow! ME one of the featured speakers!! Anyway, with a bit of trepidation I arrived to find a room full of concerned citizens from all walks of life and from all parties.
Now you have to understand that I studiously avoid such gatherings. I prefer to keep my opinions and views to myself and not be constantly challenged to debate them! Not that I was challenged here. It was mostly men after all and they were old enough to remember to be polite to a lady.
So with my heart a thumpin', I began my 7 minute speech on my new business as a Shelf Reliance/THRIVE consultant and the importance of 'being prepared'. It was supposed to be brief so I didn't give them much more than what I give you on a blog! I sat down thinking "No one clapped. I must have really sucked!"
Fast forward to the end of the meeting.
I had 7 men and 1 woman sign up to know more/host a party (well I called it a 'product demonstration' instead! They are not exactly the 'Mary Kay' crowd!)
And yesterday I had my first customer purchases which were large enough to boost my status ranking from a 'consultant' to a 'mentor' and qualify me for quite a bit of free product for myself and a real commission next month! And my first 'product demo' is scheduled for next Friday.
I am now OFFICIALLY open for business!
Which just goes to show you how much can change in 7 minutes!
I knew it from the very beginning!
I'm thankful that someone has faith in me! ;)