What is causing this rise in prices?
Drought in China: The world's largest wheat producer
Floods in Australia: Devastated most of their wheat crop
Crops Freeze in Mexico: Produce prices expected to rise 50%-90% in the US for at least a few months.
Droughts in Russia: They've Banned Grain Exports
Earthquake and Tsunami in Japan: They consume A LOT of rice, and MANY rice fields were destroyed. They will likely have to import a lot more of it now.
And what of us? It seems I'm taking more and more $$ to the store and coming out with less and less. Yes there are still a few bargains out there but it's just a time/money waster to be out going from store to store to get the best deals. My bi monthly allotment of $30 in the tank is not stretching as far. No more Sunday drives, no more impulsive trips. I don't like feeling hampered, corralled, hemmed in. I liked my freedom!
But there's no avoiding what's likely to come - food shortages, food price inflation.
Good news for you who are still interested in having food insurance with a homestore of delicious convenient foods is that Shelf Reliance prices are good until the end of May! My advice is to stock up. Plant a garden. Buy in bulk. Store what you eat and eat what you store!
I still offer the best prices if you are on my customer list! But for the very best value, I strongly suggest you get yourself on the monthly ship program called the 'Q'. My advice is to make an order of basics now. Right now. They will be at your door within about 2 weeks. And then get on the Q as well at a rate you can afford (try for at least $100/month) You will receive extra savings and benefits! If you really want value, become a consultant. That's the best of all worlds.
Oh, and that little cartoon above? I sent my husband to the store the other day to pick up a loaf of bread and some milk. That's his shopping cart on the way in...
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