We watched in horrified fascination as mother nature obliterated hundreds or thousands of lives this week. As we watched, we wondered what we would do. What would you grab first? Or who? How much time did they have from the end of the shaking to the onslaught? I hope that with all their awareness and preparation, that the majority of them automatically got into their cars and sped away as soon as the earth stopped. I hope.
Here on the coast of Oregon, 30-40 feet above the bay which is in our front yard, we had tsunami fears of our own. I have an old 72 hour kit that I bet the MRE's are rotten and the aspirin expired. But I set it by the back door along with another bag of picnic foods in case we had to book it. I thought of family members in town. My youngest son in Hawaii. There was not much sleep that night.
As I looked through my pantry, I saw all the food storage items that I have purchased, all the food I have canned, all the bulk foods still in 25-50lb. bags and hoped it wouldn't all be lost in mud and slime and a waste of money.
We were spared here in Coos Bay. Elsewhere not so lucky. But it will make me double my efforts to be prepared even more.
And it will make me kneel in gratitude that it was only a test run.
This time...
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