You are what you eat, what you think, what you do.

Monday, October 29, 2012

It's not rocket science, just good common sense

Are you a member of Mensa?  Me either.  But I feel pretty darn smart when I take advantage of a great sale and even more smarter (!) when I channel my inner Boy Scout and utilize the motto: "BE PREPARED". 
You can be prepared this month for a big discount.  These are November Shelf Reliance discounted items.  They are only good starting 5 pm Nov. 1 - 5 pm Dec.1.  So if you need Gluten free products, check it out.  My favorite snack apples are on sale!  Freeze Dried Fuji apples beat everything I know of for crunch satisfaction and excellent flavor.
Check out the flyer below.  Then Call me, Dorie at 541-404-6363 to place your order and get the discount.  That is the only way. Let's get ourselves prepared before we are digging oursleves out of a Hurricane Sandy type event!!  Over and out.

Flyer: November Monthly Specials

PS.  For those of you who will read this all the way down to here, this is your secret 'heads up'.  BLACK FRIDAY is coming up for Shelf Reliance.  You know when!  To take advantage of this once a year inCREDable sale you need only get up at midnight on the designated day and go shop online in your PJ's at  +You don't need to call me to receive the lowest prices !!!  So mark your calendar.

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