Life is about evolving, progressing, thriving, overcoming, in short, LIVING! My journey started out as a preparedness journal with freeze dried foods. And while I still use them regularly, store them and promote them, this page is going through some evolving of its own. So bit by bit you will be seeing more about me personally. About who I am by accident and who I am on purpose. Because the bigger story is not just surviving life, it is living a THRIVING life! Thrive with me, Dorie!
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Shelf Reliance: Thrive Drinks
With a new year coming up, I'm thinking about resolutions. One resolution I have is to eliminate additives and chemicals from my diet like preservative, artificial colors and flavors. This will include high fructose corn syrup and artificial sweeteners:
And caffeine :( sigh.
And so many other unpronounceable (is that a word?) chemicals on the lists of ingredients.
That's why I'm choosing to stock up on these yummy fruit drinks. Yes there is sugar in them. But they will store well. Taste great. Give energy that will be needed if/when there is a food shortage. And provide some fruit nutrition as well.
This is just one of the reasons I'm loading up! The other reason is that with the winter season beginning, the price list of Shelf Reliance/Thrive foods will undergo a change. Happens 4 times a year. Hopefully the prices won't rise that much. Unlike my local grocery store! Have you seen the price of bacon lately? Wow!
Anyway, there is still time this week to place an order at the current prices. These have 85 servings in a one gallon size can (#10). The shelf life is 3 years unopened and 1 year opened. Your kids won't let it last that long. And there are many flavors to choose from:
Fruit Punch Performance
Mango Passion
Melon Berry Blast
Orange Bliss
Orchard Apple
Simply Peach
Easy to order. Delivered to your door. Save gas. Save time. Order here
Now to go take down the Christmas tree and finish the last of the sugar cookies and fudge...
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Christmas Traditions
You won't find any THRIVE foods in this particular blog.
Just candy, candy, candy!
Aren't we lucky and blessed to live in a land of plenty and so much variety?
My family and I have been making these little candy trains for many years. We make them just before Christmas and eat it on New Years Eve or Day depending on our level of self control. Even so, little bits go mysteriously missing. An M&M here, a chunk of frosting there. Nobody admits to it and no one really gets in trouble either. It's just our little Smith tradition.
Several times, when finances were good, we have made 4-5 extra ones(I mean you buy a whole bag of orange slices and use just one? That's wasteful!). And with those extra ones we drive around and give a big surprise to families we know.
It's so fun to see the excitement on the children's faces when we sing a quick carol and present the train.
I will be making several again this year and looking forward to our little ritual. Maybe one will even show up on your doorstep!
As the year comes to a close, I want to express my gratitude and appreciation for the life we have been afforded, the country we are fortunate to live in, the families that make life worth living (most of the time!) and the opportunity to progress, improve, restart, restore, implement, alter, dedicate, innovate, recreate, share and smile at each and every blessed day.
May all of you who may happen upon my little blog, be blessed with continued health, reasonable wealth, food in your pantry, love in your heart. I hope the train of joy visits you often through the coming year!
~ Dorie
Monday, December 5, 2011
Happy Anniversary to me! One year with THRIVE!
Merry Christmas and Happy Anniversary! It seems like just yesterday I was placing my first ever order of THRIVE foods as gifts for my kids last year. I thought that giving them a supply of breakfast foods in a box would be a fun way of sharing these yummy foods. I sent 6 grain pancake mix, instant milk, freeze dried strawberries, powdered butter and eggs. And the next week, I signed up to become a consultant!!
It has been a grand year with my home based business. It took off like a rocket in January and has been going strong ever since. I have made a decent first year income and strengthened and fortified my home storage very substantially. Twice blessed.
To anyone out there who has been desiring a change from a 9-5 money for time job, I would encourage you to think about joining my Shelf Reliance team and see how far it can take you. The great thing about it is that there are no territories and no limit on how many people can become consultants with you.
Here are a few more reasons this makes sense:
A. Go to work in your Jammies
B. Make commissions AND free food
C. The parties are fun and no one regrets buying food!
D. Residual income, I said residual income I said.
E. Professional marketing and advertising done by the company
F. Nationwide public awareness of emergency preparedness
It's so easy to begin. You can go to opportunies on my website and it will walk you right through the steps. The starter kit starts at $199 for a basic getting started kit to deluxe packages as well.
If you can open your mouth and you know people who like to eat, you can do this business!
I promise!
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Thanksgiving sale is ON
I know it's still turkey digesting time but I didn't want you to fall into a tryptophan coma and miss the BIG SALE, hence this reminder. I know. I feel like I could skip food for a year after the last 2 days. I also know that I'm very blessed to be able to say that. That there are more people hungry right now than are full. Having said that, and having given a donation for the poor this month and having been overwhelmed with food this Thanksgiving, I KNOW that it may not always be so.
So while I have an opportunity, a few extra coins in my pocket and the supply source, I am stocking my pantry with food that will sustain my family during a time when there is little food available. During this sale I am able to double what I would normally buy for the same amount of money. That makes very good sense to me.
I hope it does to you to.
The green cupboard behind this dessert table blowout is full of my cans of food storage. Be prepared and you will not fear.
Friday, November 18, 2011
Team Edward? Team Jacob? How about team SALE! While everyone else lines up to get those TwiTickets, you can relax in your fuzzy PJ's and avoid the crowd while participating in the BIGGEST sale of the year from Shelf Reliance!!
When Shelf Reliance does their black Friday, it extends all the way to Black Monday! 4 Black Days!
And if that wasn't reason enough to place your Christmas orders, there are going to be many items discounted up to 50% for those same 4 Black days!
To make matters even BETTER, you do NOT NOT NOT have to bother me with your order on the days I'm trying to digest my previous day's overindulgence. No. For this sale all you must do is order from my website And all the sale prices will automatically be YOURS!
Who's on your list again? Have a wonderful, practical gift sent directly to their door.
So you see, it will be so beneficial to jump in NEXT FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 25th and fill your shelves.
I'm assuming that the words DISCOUNTED, SALE and SAVE are important to you at this time of year. Yes I know what it means when you 'assume' something. But don't make one out of me when I'm just tryin' to help! HEE HAW!
PS. For all you TWIHARDS out there, just pretend BLACK FRIDAY is the 5th Stephanie Meyers book in the TWILIGHT series! The one where Edward and Bella set up house and stock their shelves with THRIVE FOODS for all their many human guests...
PSS. For those of you who read this post in it's first incarnation, I apologize now for misinformation I received. It is NOT a free shipping weekend!! I thought forever that it was and now that I made that 'ASSumption' in public, I really did make an ass of me! SO VERY SORRY!
Sunday, October 30, 2011
No it wasn't a fishnet stocking covered leg lamp stamped 'fra-jee-lay' on the box.
At the Allegany Community Chili Cookoff ( I was invited to attend and set up a Shelf Reliance table with samples ) on Saturday night, my THRIVE 20 minute chili recipe won 2nd runner up out of 12 contenders! I was absolutely shocked! Not that I didn't think my chili was good, but that 3 judges, experienced judges mind you, gave my recipe an official stamp of approval! Mind you it didn't earn that shiny golden trophy I had my eye on, but it will suffice for my first attempt using ALL THRIVE foods in a recipe!
What a neat little community get together! Such neighborliness and friendship. And great food, laughter, socializing and sharing. It was like a church social without the prayers.
In 3 weeks they are having a community Shelf Reliance tasting party. The proceeds from the sales will all be donated to stock their community center as an emergency shelter in the event of a disaster. This little community of 300-400 homes is doing something proactive to take care of themselves. They know that small isolated areas will be hard to rescue. Big cities will come first. I am so excited to help them on their quest to be self sufficient! This is a great example of what neighborhoods, communities and cities should be putting into place. Americans have a history of helping ourselves and neighbors through hard times. If your area isn't involved in something like this yet, at least YOU can be by taking steps to insure your own household can take care of themselves.
When it comes to being prepared, you don't want to be a runner up, an also ran. You want first prize!
Here is the recipe if you'd like to try it:
THRIVE 20 minute chili
by Dorie
Bring 6 cups of water to a boil.
Add 2 1/2 C. THRIVE instant beans; red, pinto & black
Simmer 20 minutes
In another saucepan, mix together on low heat:
1/4 C. each of THRIVE freeze dried onions, peppers, celery
3/4 C. water
2 T. THRIVE tomato powder
1 T. chili powder
2 t. THRIVE sugar
1 t. cumin powder
1/2 t. habenero powder
1/2 t. minced garlic
1 cube Knorr chipotle seasoning
4-6 oz. canned green chili sauce
When beans have been simmering 15 minutes, add:
1 C. THRIVE freeze dried sausage crumbles
1 C. THRIVE ground beef crumbles
1/2 C. THRIVE bacon TVP
1 C. THRIVE freeze dried sweet corn
Combine seasonings and beans together. Mix well and simmer 5-10 more minutes.
Salt and pepper to taste, add more water for thinner chili.
Serve with THRIVE cornbread recipe, THRIVE powdered butter reconsituted and THRIVE cheddar or mozzerella cheese reconsituted.
Thursday, October 27, 2011
If you think I'm going to reveal my age forgetaboutit! What I AM going to do is sell 6 of these packages before November 13th which IS my birthday and even tho the special runs until the 14th, that's my goal. 6! SIX! 2x3! Six of you or maybe 6 other friends will be all the more prepared for the crap that's coming soon with our economy and the prices of goods, services and most importantly FOOD. JUST SHOUTING!
NEW- Consultant Special - No Coupon Required
The three month (2 person) food and water package
(Catalog ID #25357)
$945.19 (regularly $1326.99)
*This package can only be purchased by calling a consultant (THAT WOULD BE ME!) to place the order. HERE ARE THE DIGITS : 541-404-6363!
Package contents include:
•6 Hard White Winter Wheat
•4 Potato Chunks
•6 Elbow Macaroni
•6 Six Grain Pancake Mix
•3 Cornmeal
•3 Quick Oats
•6 Instant White Rice
•6 Sweet Corn
•6 Green Peas
•3 Broccoli – Freeze Dried
•3 Raspberries – Freeze Dried
•2 Strawberries – Freeze Dried
•6 Apple Chips
•3 Carrot Dices
•3 Mixed Bell Pepper
•3 Potato Beads
•6 Non-Fat Powdered Milk
•4 Chocolate Drink Mix
•2 Cheddar Blend
•2 Bacon TVP
•2 Beef TVP
•2 Chicken TVP
•2 Taco TVP
•2 Pinto Beans
•2 Black Beans
•Kidney Beans
•Whole Eggs
•THRIVE™ Orange Drink
•Deluxe Wheat Grinder
•55 Gallon Water Container
•Water Pump
•Bung Wrench - doubles as a gas shutoff tool
•Water Treatment Solution
DON'T SAY YOU WEREN'T WARNED and have a nice day :)
This picture has nothing to do with this special. It's just so stinkin' cute I had to put it in here. I guess you could say this about it, If you're hungry enough, you'll eat anything! But if you are prepared ahead of time, you won't have to eat PAINT!
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Super cool announcement just received from Shelf Reliance!!
We are excited to announce that in early November Shelf Reliance® will be releasing five new THRIVE™ products. Our new products are sure to add more variety and convenience to your Home Store. The three new veggies are some of our most frequently requested items, and the new fruit products are sure to become a family favorite. The new THRIVE Fruits and Veggies will be here soon, so now you have even more reasons to love THRIVE!
That's the official word right off the presses (I just got an email from home office!). I can't tell you what the new products are because I don't know yet. But I do know that they will be just as phenomenal as the other products. I recall a while back where a lot of us consultants sent in our requests. I personally requested avocado. We will see soon!
But they will be discontinuing some products and I'm here to tell you what those are. If they happen to be one of your favorites, I suggest you buy a case of it. Also discounted immediately are mandarin oranges. Bad crop = no products!
The discontinued items are:
Banana chips
dehydrated pineapple
dehydrated bell peppers (one of MY favorites!)
dehydrated sweet potatoes
You are welcome to order anything you like at my consultant discount directly from my website at
So this is your heads up early warning don't say I didn't tell you aha moment for the day!!
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Quick and Easy Custard Pie
Super Easy Custard Pie
Get our your blender
Put in- 4 eggs (I used Thrive whole egg powder reconstituted)
3/4 C. sugar (you could use your Thrive sugar)
2 C. milk (I used reconstituted Thrive Instant milk)
pinch of salt
1/4 C. melted butter (I used real butter)
2 t. vanilla
1/2 C. flour (you could use your Thrive white or wheat flour)
Mix all these ingredients in the blender for about 30 seconds or so ( I told you it was easy!)
Pour into a greased 9" pie plate (hint: put the pie plate in the oven first and then pour the custard mix into it. It splashes out easily when you try to walk with it or move your oven racks with the full pie plate on it)(I learned this the hard way today!) Sprinkle liberally with Nutmeg.
Bake this for 45 minutes at 350 degrees.
The mixture separates and makes it's own crust on the bottom. Now it's not like a crunchy crust so don't be expecting that. It's more gooey than crisp although the next time I might just put it on the bottom rack and see how it turns out. You can see how mine turned out below.
Here's a closer look:
I think if I had been surviving on my food storage staples of whole wheat, beans, oats, powdered milk and rice for a while, a nice little custard dish like this one would be greatly appreciated! Next time I'm going to add COCONUT! Perhaps I will use my coconut macaroon mix with it...
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Tick Tick Tick
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Thursday, September 8, 2011
The 1 Person 1 Year Freeze Dried and Dehydrated Package (Catalog ID #25342) will be going on sale starting Monday! The sale on this package will run until October 9th! The current price is $945.84. The new sale price will be $756.19.
•8 Cans of Instant White Rice (48 servings per can)
•12 Cans of Hard White Winter Wheat (44 servings per can)
•3 Cans of 6 Grain Pancake Mix (46 servings per can)
•2 Cans of Elbow Macaroni (25 servings per can)
•6 Cans of Dehydrated Potato Chunks (42 servings per can)
•1 Can of Freeze-Dried Sweet Corn (46 servings per can)
•1 Can of Freeze-Dried Green Peas (41 servings per can)
•1 Can of Dehydrated Chopped Onions (45 servings per can)
•1 Can of Freeze-Dried Chopped Onions (45 servings per can)
•1 Can of Freeze-Dried Broccoli (52 servings per can)
•2 Cans of Organic Apple Slices (48 servings per can)
•2 Cans of Freeze-Dried Strawberries (45 servings per can)
•1 Can of Freeze-Dried Blueberries (50 servings per can)
•1 Can of Freeze-Dried Blackberries (49 servings per can)
•2 Cans of Freeze-Dried Raspberries (48 servings per can)
•6 Cans of Powdered Milk (43 servings per can)
•3 Cans of Chocolate Drink Mix (48 servings per can)
•3 Cans of Bacon TVP (47 servings per can)
•3 Cans of Beef TVP (44 servings per can)
•3 Cans of Chicken TVP (45 servings per can)
•2 Cans of Taco TVP (42 servings per can)
•6 Cans of Pinto Beans (49 servings per can)
•1 Can of Black Beans (49 servings per can)
•2 Cans of Lima Beans (49 servings per can)
•3 Cans of Lentils (51 servings per can)
•6 Cans of Whole Eggs (236 servings per can)
Cooking Basics:
•2 Cans of White Sugar
This is going to be an incredible value. Just in time to get your fall 'harvesting' put up and away for those rainy days to come. I don't have the details but will post them as soon as they are listed.
This would be a great starting point for any family. 1 person-one year. 2 persons-6 months. A terrific foundation to build upon. won't start until next Monday. I expect to be on the phone taking orders all day!
Saturday, August 27, 2011
I remember a time when I had spent a few days enjoying lots of sunshine (Lake Havasu). It was very hot! Even the blue of the Colorado River could not put out the heat. It was like a hot bath on a hot day. The scorching sun, the activities and the fact that I was a new mom with a nursing baby required that I drink lots of water. But I guess I didn't get enough. I remember the thirst! It was like my mouth was a desert, my breath the hot wind of the Santa Ana's. And bottled water was not even in vogue! It was tap water or no water. Let me tell you it was not pleasant.
What if? What if the store shelves are bare? The water supply interrupted (earthquake, storm outages, excessive heat wave, contamination, HURRICANE, etc.) and you are faced with some sort of water rationing?
The human body needs water first, food second. Now food needs to be there pretty quickly but you will die faster without water than without food. You need a minimum of 1 gallon per day per person in your household. It is recommended that you store 2 weeks worth of water. This doesn't take into consideration cooking water!! So think even more than 1 gallon per day per person. How can it be done?
You might want to try one of these options.
Or maybe this:
Or this:
All of these practical and potentially lifesaving products can be found through Shelf Reliance emergency preparedness products. For a discount on these items, order directly from my website at
It's not a matter of if a disaster will happen, it's a matter of when. Preparedness now avoids panic later. Your family is more important than gold and at a time of drought, your advance preparation will ensure that you have 'liquid gold'.
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Summer Reunion
While enjoying my family as we gathered for a family reunion last week, I thought about how very blessed we are. We had so much food, so much fun! We had amazing foil dinners, fresh local corn on the cob, blueberries, soda, watermelon, hot dogs hot dog hot dogs! Breakfast was great with yummy breakfast burritos. We had a s'mores gourmet competition and I'm sure we all are a bit thicker around the middle after that!
It was sunny, beautiful and warm. Gorgeous in Roseburg, Oregon. All 7 of my children and spouses, and almost all my grandkids were in attendance.
I lay in my tent at night, listening to the Umpqua river rushing by about 40 feet away and I thought,'what would life be like without all the conveniences we enjoy?' What if I didn't have access to the fresh yummy food we were eating. What if we were displaced from our homes due to some disaster and actually had to live in tents?
I AM preparing to keep my family comfortable and fed in troubled times. I AM laying aside a store of food that we can survive on and actually Thrive on for almost a year if necessary. I AM doing all I can to help my friends and family to be better prepared than they were yesterday.
I Am and will continue to be an active and sincerely earnest independant consultant for Shelf Reliance premium freeze dried and dehydrated products and emergency supplies. Doing my best to help each of you to do the same.
I am at your service.
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Is Anybody Out There?
My sweet little son Ike would like you to comment as well :)
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
How to be cool this summer...
What's totally cool about this blog is that it leads you directly to my website. What's totally cool about my website is that you can order directly from it without having to go to a party! I mean, parties are okay and all and mine are extra special if I do say so, but it's an evening out, dressing up, missing your fave TV show, etc. You can go to my website in your PJ's! PLUS you get my consultant pricing at the same time! C-O-O-L!
So be cool! Just go here, do this - order and then wear your sunglasses at night cuz you are just way too cool for school!
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Little Family, Big Savings!
1 Year 4 Person Freeze Dried and Dehydrated Package">4 person, 1 year supply!!!! On sale $2848.99
One Year, 4 Person Freeze Dried and Dehydrated Food Package $2848.99
6 Six Grain Pancake Mix
6 Germade
6 Quick Oats
6 Nine Grain Cracked Cereal
36 Hard White Winter Wheat
6 White flour
9 Whole Wheat Flour
6 Cornmeal
6 Elbow Macaroni
18 Instant Rice
8 White Rice
Proteins & Beans
3 Taco (TVP)
6 Bacon (TVP)
6 Beef (TVP)
3 Sausage (TVP)
3 Sloppy Joe (TVP)
6 Chicken (TVP)
3 Ham (TVP)
6 Lentils
6 Pearled Barley
12 Black Beans
6 Kidney Beans
14 Pinto Beans
6 Whole Egg Powder
6 Chocolate Drink Mix
24 Powdered Milk
6 Mac & Cheese Powder
2 Pineapple – FD
4 Raspberries – FD
1 Blackberries – FD
1 Blueberries – FD
4 Sliced Apples
6 Strawberries – FD
4 Apple Chips
2 Banana Chips
16 Potato Chunks
6 Sweet Corn – FD
2 Broccoli – FD
2 Carrot Dices
6 Green Peas – FD
3 Split Green Peas
2 Onions Chopped – FD
2 Onions Chopped
4 Sweet Potato
6 Mixed Bell Peppers
6 Orange Drink
4 Peach Drink
6 Apple Drink
2 Bouillon Beef
2 Bouillon Chicken
1 Baking Powder
1 Iodized Salt
2 Brown Sugar
4 White Sugar
6 Fudge Brownies
Monday, July 11, 2011
Seriously, we are practically swimming in produce this year from our garden. We've had a bumper crop of lettuce, spinach, celery, sugar snap peas, strawberries, cilantro, broccoli and zucinni. With more to come due to consecutive plantings. I'm hardly buying any produce (which seems to be coming more from Mexico than the USA).
I highly recommend it! It's very satisfying and delicious and economical.
As for punch #1, that's what this whole blog is about!
I have long storing food at a discounted price that will be delivered right to your own front door! This food will not go bad! Your celery will be useful to the bottom of the can, not rubbery within days of putting it into your crisper. Same with all the THRIVE foods you can store. Average shelf life unopened is 20 years!! Hopefully within 20 years, no disasters whether global or personal will hit you but why chance it?
And to add a little gloom mixed with hope, I'm also printing a rather long post sent to me by a friend. This article appears in 'Independent Living' and written by Lee Bellinger, the publisher. Read it and comprehend it.
(You can order these foods on your own at my website and still get a discount! No party to worry and fuss about either.)
Could There Be Lessons on Food Self-Reliance from Communist Cuba?
In previous Executive Bulletins, we've briefed you on investment opportunities found in food inflation and possible food panics. Now let me talk to you about the tenuous food supply chain and why you need to be prepared to survive a food crisis.
To be sure, there are some simple steps you can take now to avoid the worst of the worst.
"Global food prices have hit 'dangerous levels' that could contribute to political instability, push millions of people into poverty, and raise the cost of groceries, according to a new report from the World Bank." – Associated Press (Feb. 15, 2011)
A common-sense solution to deal with a food panic is securing an emergency food supply beforehand.
One basic step is to stockpile some food reserves – enough to last at least a few weeks to months. Canned foods, packaged foods, and whole grains should be bought in bulk quantities, as should bottled water.
Make sure to rotate through your supply by periodically consuming or donating the foods near their expiration dates and replacing them with newer foods into your inventory. Unprocessed grains and beans are high in nutrition, and if kept cool, dry, and sealed, they can last decades!
Canned and other long-lasting packaged foods can help you stabilize your situation in an emergency, but they may not provide a wholesome nutritional solution in a longer-running food panic.
Here are other hands-on and hands-off methods YOU can use to enjoy
greater food security, higher nutrient density, and less dependence
on Big Ag and its fragile distribution system –
Ideally, you'll be able to grow your own food on your own land, in the tradition of Victory Gardens grown by millions during World War II. That's one of the most independent and self-reliant practices you can follow. (Stay with me... even if you don't think this is practical in real life or you don't have enough land to make a difference, you may be surprised...)
CUBA: "Half the produce consumed in Havana is grown inside the city; 60% of vegetables consumed in all of Cuba are grown in urban gardens..."
Politics aside, let's take a look at how common-sense preparedness and self-reliance as to food actually works to support an entire country, and therefore can work for you and your family.
Big Ag depends on "Intensive Agriculture," which is "...the extraction of food from petroleum," says Dr. John Gray in the Financial Times of London. "The more modern farming becomes, the more heavily it relies on hydrocarbons in the form of fertilizer, as well as fuel for tractors and transport." Consider this excerpt from a report by Friends of the Earth Australia:
In the early 1990s, Cuba lost the Soviet Union as its largest trading partner. Food and oil imports were suddenly cut in half. Because of the oil shortage, Cuba could not afford to follow farming practices heavily dependent on fossil fuel for transportation, machinery, chemical pesticides, and chemical fertilizers.
Desperation being the mother of invention, the country flipped its food production and distribution methods into a low-input, self-sustaining process that takes advantage of organic, locally grown, urban agriculture. "Farmers began to use manure, compost, and worm farms to regenerate the mineral depleted soil... biopesticides and natural microbes... to fight pests and replaced tractors with oxen.
"Along with the small organic farms, urban gardens also began to appear throughout Cuba... in cities all over Cuba people began to make the most of all arable land ad hoc, planting gardens on roofs, patios, footpaths, and in vacant lots. These gardens allowed families to not only produce enough food to sufficiently feed their families but also subsidize their income through selling their excess..."
Under half a century of Communist oppression, the average man and woman has had no choice but to learn to take charge of providing for themselves and their families. Even if a crisis like "that" never happens to us, it's good knowing if we take similar steps, we're better prepared if it does happen. And as a bonus, we can enjoy higher-quality, better-tasting, and nutrient-dense food...(for more of this article, email me and I will send it to you. It is lengthy)
Yours in Freedom and Prosperity,
Lee Bellinger, Publisher
Independent Living
and Money, Metals, and Mining
Friday, July 8, 2011
$10,000, $15,000, or $20,000 or more!
Why do you purchase these insurances?
Peace of mind, protection, "just in case"...
At the end of the year, if you have not needed these insurances, what do you get back in return?
Ummm $0.00 Dollars
What if you purchased FOOD as an insurance?
Just a little bit goes a long way.... how about starting with $100/month.
What would you get at the end of the year if you didn't need to use this insurance?
Wow!! This is an insurance that actually gives you something in return!
After faith and love, the only thing that will save you and your family is food and water! What is more important than that!?!
Friday, July 1, 2011
There are so many reasons to celebrate this time of year: Independence Day, summer weather, fresh produce in abundance, family. Well let's add one more reason:
NOW YOU CAN BECOME A CONSULTANT WITH SHELF RELIANCE FOR 20% LESS! This opportunity is a great savings on your starter kit! If you choose the $199 kit you will save $40!! That's a good chunk o change! Here's the rest of the breakdown:
>Starter Kit $159 (food samples in pouch sizes)
Value Starter Kit $231 (food samples in pantry cans sizes)
Deluxe Starter Kit $463 (food samples in #10 can size, includes a shelf and 72 hour backpack)
Super Deluxe Starter Kit $719 (includes huge marketing set up and posters)
So why not join my team now? Preparedness is never out of season and always a blessing when disasters great and small strike.
You will need info from me to sign up. So comment below, check out my website and you too can be an all american entrepreneur (I think I spelled that right. Is it eu or ue? ;)
Be aware that this sale ends July 5th! So hurry!
Posted by Dorie at 12:59 PM
Thursday, June 30, 2011
CONGRATULATIONS!! Cammy won the giveaway!
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Just when we thought it was too good to last, it's still here! There's enough in here for 2 for 72 hours. Even a tent, 2 emergency sleeping bags and 50' of rope. Great for the trunk of your car if you need to get out of Dodge quick! AND the best part is it is still 51% off! Regularly $160 on sale for $79.10.! You can order at my website at your convenience but remember, it may end June 30th or it could continue to the end of summer! The item number is 44053
. You can go here, put in that number in the search field, click on the red button that says 'Buy/info', and you will see that sweet little sale price come up!
Lots of my friends have purchased more than one. They're buying them for birthday and Christmas gifts for their kids to keep in the trunk of their car. I wouldn't wait though. Disasters sure don't.
Sunday, June 19, 2011
BUT, in any other country but America, a 'Q' is another word for 'line up'. It's spelled differently too. 'Queue'. So what does this international bit of trivia have to do with the price of corn in Kansas? A LOT!
At Shelf Reliance you can 'line up' or 'Q' a list of foods for your family for a determined amount of time. Say you are a family of 4 and you would like to provide your family a well balanced and nutritious diet of about 2000 calories per day.
And say you would like to have long-storing food (like THRIVE)in your pantry for emergency use and/or the daily convenience of it all, that would amount to about 12 months.
After using the free tool online called the 'Thrive planner' or 'food calculater, the computer would generate a 'line up' or 'Q' of the amount of Thrive foods they recommend to give you balance meals per day. Everything you would use would be listed there from soups, sugar, strawberries, pancake mix, eggs, chicken to wheat, brown sugar, salt, milk and of course, the essentials like coconut macaroons and freeze dried ice cream sandwiches! AND you can customize the list by editing it to your taste preferences or dietary needs.
It's genius really, cuz then you can start a systematic acquisition of these foods at a monthly budget you can afford. (Shelf Reliance recommends that you try to 're-alocate' money you are already spending on groceries toward your food storage) Most people start out about $100 per month.
Then at the appointed day of the month, pre-determined by you, Shelf Reliance will deliver that portion of your 'Q' directly to your door! Just like the old fashioned milkman used to do!
Most importantly of all, THIS is what the 'Q' has to do with the price of corn in Kansas: PEOPLE ON THE 'Q' GET THE ROCK BOTTOM LOWEST PRICES ON THEIR PRODUCTS! A great way to invest in your food insurance!
The Q! There now. Don't you just feel all suave and continental?
Friday, June 17, 2011
Item Price
#10 Can
On Sale!
$16.69 was
$13.39 is!
Best of both worlds! On sale and Dee-licious! While you wait for this month to end to find out if you won a filter bottle (SEE THE POST BELOW), why not stock up on these yummies. Lowest price I've seen for a #10 can of macaroon cookie mix. So easy! Just add boiling water, let it sit for 5 minutes, drop onto a lightly greased cookie sheet and bake for 11-12 minutes at 350. Then please leave the room and allow them to cool. If you don't leave the room, you will burn your mouth cuz you WILL NOT be able to resist nibbling on one! You can order some here.
Shelf Reliance did tell a lie on this particular food product though. It says it will last 25 years unopened in the can but I don't think any can will ever last that long when you know what's in it. Impossible! I realize I will need 3 cases of these cookies as a necessity in my emergency food storage supply.
Those who know me know I am not kidding!
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Summer Thirstquencher Giveaway!

Yay for you! My first ever giveaway! I have been thinking about ways to share what amazing products Shelf Reliance has to offer. How can I share them with more of you? This is what has hatched in my featherbrain:
I started buying these nifty little personal portable water filtration bottles, to give to all my kids this Christmas(not the last one, the next one, silly!) They are made by Nalgene and they have a little filter inside. So you can put questionable water in, and have pure, sweet, safe water coming out. It holds about 20 oz., treats up to 30 gallons of H20 (approximately 200 refills) and removes germs that cause Giardia (bad, bad, very bad!) and Cryptosporidium cysts ((shiver)).
So what's the giveaway, do you HAVE to ask? One of these here bottles is the giveaway and will be given to one lucky follower of Eat To Live! How do I enter? Easy. Become a follower of my blog, post a comment to introduce yourself, check out my website at (soon to be changed to, and wait til the end of the month for your notification from me that the stars aligned for you!!
With summer hopefully arriving soon (fingers crossed here on the coast of Oregon), you will need to stay hydrated! But even with the excess rain we're all getting, some murky stream could still provide you with some fresh clean water. June 1 is only a couple days away. Ready...set....
Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Do you ever wake up in the morning and feel like this? This picture looks like joy, excitement, anticipation, success. In short, positive thinking. This is how I used to wake up every morning when I was young! Yay! The sun is up! Yay! It's raining! Yay, whatever.
Positivity is attractive and I don't mean that in a physical, vain way. I mean it in a magnetic way. What you think about you bring about, so I've heard. So I have to tell you about what happened this month in my business and what I brought about.
Last month was INCREDIBLE! Lot's of activity and sales and a nice commission check that from day one I had set my goal to achieve. THEN I heard myself say (and I told myself inside my head to bite my tongue but I didn't) that I had not had one cancelled party or one party of no sales. And it's true, because up until then I didn't! Oh smug me. Pride goeth before a fall...
So now what do you think has happened? Yep, for the first time in 5 months I have had 4 cancelled or postponed parties and one with no sales and one with no guests showing up. I know, I know. It happens. I'm just trying to make a correlation between my own cause and effect. You see, in my mind up until now, I was leaning forward with my business, focused, blinders on. Determined, unwavering, positive. I could feel it in my head even!
Until I broke that sales record last month and then sorta let go. And said those boastful words.
So I am 6 days from the end of the month. I have achieved my personal sales goal to maintain my rank as a Director. And my team is beginning to take off. We are about $3000 from my team sales goal. Can I regain my positive, forward momentum and overcome the setbacks in time?
I will tell you in 6 days if the power of positive thinking has been reactivated in my mind and I have overcome the shackles of doubt.
My mantra this year has been 'Be of good cheer'. I say it everyday except the last couple weeks. Point taken.
So now it's time to forget myself and go to work!
Monday, May 16, 2011

Lots of my friends have purchased more than one. They're buying them for birthday and Christmas gifts for their kids to keep in the trunk of their car. I wouldn't wait though. Disasters sure don't.
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Somebody Pinch Me

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Sunday, April 24, 2011
Bloggin: Not a Daily Thing!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Monday, April 4, 2011
Thursday, March 31, 2011
The sale ends April 17th!

The package includes:
- 96 #10 cans (one-gallon cans),
- a 55 gallon water storage barrel kit, and a Grain Mill wheat grinder. Details of the package below.
- The package retails for approximately $1,500*, but is on sale for $973 plus $15.99 shipping! That's right $15.99 to ship everything. This package is 35% off!
The sale ends April 17th.This sale is not available online, it is only available through Shelf Reliance Independent Consultants like me.
Here are the details of the package:
- Grains/Starch* 6 Hard White Winter Wheat* 4 Potato Chunks* 6 Elbow Macaroni * 6 Six Grain Pancake Mix* 3 Cornmeal* 3 Quick Oats * 6 Instant White Rice
- Fruits/Veggies* 6 Sweet Corn* 6 Green Peas* 3 Broccoli* 3 Raspberries* 2 Strawberries* 6 Apple Chips* 3 Carrot Dices* 3 Mixed Bell Pepper* 3 Potato Beads
- Dairy/Cheese* 6 Non-Fat Powdered Milk* 4 Chocolate Drink Mix* 2 Cheese Blend
- Meats/Beans* 2 Bacon TVP* 2 Beef TVP* 2 Chicken TVP* 2 Taco TVP* 2 Pinto Beans* 2 Black Beans* Kidney Beans* Whole Eggs
- Other* THRIVE Orange Drink*
- Deluxe Hand Wheat Grinder
The Shelf Reliance Water Storage System includes the following:*
- 55 Gallon Water Container* Water Pump - (45" long, 3" wide) Hose (47" long, 1"wide)*
- Sturdy Bung Wrench - doubles as a gas shutoff tool and provides access to storage barrels of all sizes.*
- Water Treatment Solution * Detailed instructions of how to prepare your water storage.
Honestly friends, this is the best starter package I've seen to give you some breathing room if trouble arises economically or any other unforseen calamity occurs. Think how grateful the people of any natural disaster would be if they had this kind of food storage on hand.
You can receive this package within a couple weeks! You can only get this deal through a consultant, so please contact me via email or add a comment with your email and I will contact you.
He who hesitates is lost. Or hungry.
Friday, March 18, 2011

What is causing this rise in prices?
Drought in China: The world's largest wheat producer
Floods in Australia: Devastated most of their wheat crop
Crops Freeze in Mexico: Produce prices expected to rise 50%-90% in the US for at least a few months.
Droughts in Russia: They've Banned Grain Exports
Earthquake and Tsunami in Japan: They consume A LOT of rice, and MANY rice fields were destroyed. They will likely have to import a lot more of it now.
And what of us? It seems I'm taking more and more $$ to the store and coming out with less and less. Yes there are still a few bargains out there but it's just a time/money waster to be out going from store to store to get the best deals. My bi monthly allotment of $30 in the tank is not stretching as far. No more Sunday drives, no more impulsive trips. I don't like feeling hampered, corralled, hemmed in. I liked my freedom!
But there's no avoiding what's likely to come - food shortages, food price inflation.
Good news for you who are still interested in having food insurance with a homestore of delicious convenient foods is that Shelf Reliance prices are good until the end of May! My advice is to stock up. Plant a garden. Buy in bulk. Store what you eat and eat what you store!
I still offer the best prices if you are on my customer list! But for the very best value, I strongly suggest you get yourself on the monthly ship program called the 'Q'. My advice is to make an order of basics now. Right now. They will be at your door within about 2 weeks. And then get on the Q as well at a rate you can afford (try for at least $100/month) You will receive extra savings and benefits! If you really want value, become a consultant. That's the best of all worlds.
Oh, and that little cartoon above? I sent my husband to the store the other day to pick up a loaf of bread and some milk. That's his shopping cart on the way in...
Saturday, March 12, 2011

We watched in horrified fascination as mother nature obliterated hundreds or thousands of lives this week. As we watched, we wondered what we would do. What would you grab first? Or who? How much time did they have from the end of the shaking to the onslaught? I hope that with all their awareness and preparation, that the majority of them automatically got into their cars and sped away as soon as the earth stopped. I hope.
Here on the coast of Oregon, 30-40 feet above the bay which is in our front yard, we had tsunami fears of our own. I have an old 72 hour kit that I bet the MRE's are rotten and the aspirin expired. But I set it by the back door along with another bag of picnic foods in case we had to book it. I thought of family members in town. My youngest son in Hawaii. There was not much sleep that night.
As I looked through my pantry, I saw all the food storage items that I have purchased, all the food I have canned, all the bulk foods still in 25-50lb. bags and hoped it wouldn't all be lost in mud and slime and a waste of money.
We were spared here in Coos Bay. Elsewhere not so lucky. But it will make me double my efforts to be prepared even more.
And it will make me kneel in gratitude that it was only a test run.
This time...
Wednesday, March 9, 2011

It would appear that my blogging inspiration seems to be at it's height in the middle of the night. Don't know why that is but it's about 1:30 am right now and here I am. Oh well. There's nothing to it but to do it!
It rained and rained today. That's the price we pay here on the coast of Oregon for verdant and breathtaking greenery all year long. But I'd sure like to see a few more rainbows!
And that has me thinking about arches, curves and progress.
The party I had today (#5) turned out very well! I am getting better at the presentation and don't have to rely on my 'script' as much. It will be a great day when I don't need it at all!
But having said that, let me tell you that my preparation to give my first presentation went on for hours and days!
I wrote and rewrote.
I thought and rethought.
I practiced and repracticed.
I timed and retimed it.
Chopper, our big fluffy yellow kitty was my captive audience as I explained to him over again the benefits of THRIVE freeze dried food as 'food insurance', and about storing what you eat and eating what you store! Poor baby.
Tracking my progress, today's party took about 2 hours of pre preparation instead of 10 so that's a good sign that I'm getting this. The old learning curve has seen it's zenith I believe.
To think I began this journey having never tasted any of the products, prepared any of them, but only had this urging inside me to get my own house in order and maybe to share with a few other like minded friends. The road from there to here is like the path of an archer's arrow zinging through the sky. I can see it's trajectory and I find myself feeling confident at where I have landed and where I will go next.
I guess loving what you are doing is a good reason to be awake, inspired and blogging at this hour.
Thursday, March 3, 2011

I had a brilliant (?) idea about how to share Shelf Reliance/Thrive food storage with you and your friends there, from me here in Oregon.
As you all know, I have been a consultant with SR/T since the beginning of the year and it is really taking off. It's so convenient, easy to use, delicious and affordable that I have almost 100% positive acceptance with showing it. When I do a product demonstration of the freeze dried fruits, veggies, milk, butter, chicken salad and fudge brownies or coconut macaroons, everyone is just amazed that it's food storage! My calendar is already full of shows for the month of March and it's still the last day of February!
What I got to thinking about is this: If I could, I would just drive over and have a party at your house with your friends and show them in person how great this stuff is. But gas prices being what they are and what I'm afraid they are going to be, I thought of another way. It will be like a virtual party! I will send the easy to make foods to your door, you will invite your friends, then we will skype at the time of your party and I will be there 'live' to explain and share the information.
Of course the hostess benefits are generous, so there would definitely be something in it for you! Free products and 50% discounts when others book a 'virtual' party! Also if someone there decides to become a consultant as well, they could carry on with personal parties.
For those of you who have no idea what I'm talking about, check out to see the products.
You can also order right from my website but it's so much more positive when you can taste it first!
Let me know what you think of this idea. Maybe it's just plum crazy! But you know me ;)
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
The musical fruit

I think I wrote in another blog something about cooking beans. They take a long time in case any of you have never tried doing it. Those hard as a rock dry beans soften up eventually if you have the time and you do it right.
When I think of surviving on beans, I think of cowboys and pioneers and early Americans. There was always a pot of beans on the fire. Good thing they were mostly cooking and eating outside as well cuz I'm sure there were some amazing fireworks afterwards, if you get my drift. Beans have sorta faded into the background of our daily diet, replaced by burgers and fries and tacos.
Yet most people who store food for a rainy day, have at least a bag or two if not a couple large sacks of dry beans and I bet they don't actually cook with them very often. Special occasions only ;)
Which is why I'm impressed all over again with Thrive's newest product, Instant Beans! How can it be? Easy. They parboil the beans and then dry them. What won't they think of next when it comes to offering us convenient, fast, easy and delicious foods for long term storage and for right now Home Stores?
They have black beans, pinto beans and red beans in the #10 can ready to purchase this month. I have them on order and will report on them when I can.
Will I also store the s-l-o-w cooking variety? Of course. But the idea of making a decision and having cooked beans 20 minutes later is reassuring for all us special occasion chile makers everywhere!
I just can't guarantee there won't be fireworks afterward!
Oh and just so you know, you can now view my official website at Makes it real easy to order them beans now!
Friday, February 18, 2011
Oh the hardships of having to depend on food storage

Oh my. Yum Yum. Thrive went and freeze dried one of my all time favorite ice cream confections, the All American Ice Cream Sandwich!
I'm well beyond the 7th Heaven and floating towards Nirvana on this one.
Come Monday morning, we can all now have our ice cream and eat it too. Especially nice when one contemplates the circumstances one might find herself in during a catastrophe of sorts. I would take comfort in knowing I could actually turn to comfort food! There will be ice cream and yogurt as well.
Doesn't that just make your day all summer-and-ice-cream-truck happy?