You are what you eat, what you think, what you do.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

By Small and Simple Steps

So how is your progress on your New Year's Resolution going?

I thought so. Me either. Especially that one we all love/hate to break.

Good intentions aside, what would it really take for me to successfully accomplish this NYR that I make every year and fail at? How can I put it behind me instead of constantly blocking my progress in another area?

What would it take for you? If you haven't guessed yet I'm talking about weight loss, fitness, body transformation, whatever YOU want to call it. I'd like to move out of Fat City and into a small little suburb far from those city limits.

So here are some tips that I am planning to implement into my daily routine. Starting tomorrow (of course)

1. Eat a good breakfast. This comes straight from Dr. Oz. Protein, complex carbs, no sugar. So eggs and oatmeal, low fat milk, maybe high fiber toast. Keeps your metabolism running strong through the day.

2. Small healthy snacks throughout the day. I love crunchy stuff (potato chips, corn chips followed by a soda)(bad me). So here's what I'm going to do ~

3. Increase exercise. I'm already swimming a couple miles per week. My treadmill is set up again and I will try for a reasonable amount of walking on it per week.

4. Wander on over to 320 Sycamore's blog and enter to win a Fitbit! It's a clever gadget that I think would be a great addition to your concious effort to increase activity, burn calories and count steps. If you want to enter her contest, she's giving one away for free. Very clever indeed!

5. Drink lots more water. *sigh* After age 50+ you enter the shrinking bladder stage of life. It coincides in a sinister way with the sneeze-cough-laugh at everything syndrome that also comes with a tiny bit of wisdom. Not sure if it's a fair exchange. But water it is. *sigh* please don't make me laugh.

6. To make meal preparation easier on me and get me out of the kitchen and into the pool or on the treadmill, I will continue to use all of these.

If you would like to try these delicious, nutritious and easy to use foods, it's easy to order them here.
Leave me a comment if you think I have a fighting chance at *WINNING* (think Charlie Sheen or Courtney on the Bachelor).

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